@article{oai:saigaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001410, author = {現影, 秀昭 and GEN'EY, Hideaki}, journal = {埼玉学園大学紀要. 人間学部篇, Bulletin of Saitama Gakuen University. Faculty of Humanities}, month = {Dec}, note = {This article is concerned with the various properties of Verbal Tough Constructions (henceforth, VTCs) and Double Passive Constructions (henceforth, DPCs) in connection with Collins's (2005) and Hicks's (2009) smuggling (or bypassing) approach. I focus on the verbal aspects of Verbal Tough Constructions (VTCs), which shows the properties distinct from those of Adjectival Tough Constructions (ATCs). That is, VTCs, whose infinitival clauses are deleted (or semantically concealed), have the structures of Double Object Constructions and Prepositional Datives, whose syntactic relationship might be called the Dative Alternation. I also show that two types of Object Raising Constructions, namely VTCs and Double Passive Constructions, avoid the constraint violation through the bypassing behavior, which can be captured by the mechanism of Collins's (2005) smuggling approach in syntax.}, pages = {27--40}, title = {Bypassing or Smuggling in Syntax of Object Raising Constructions in English}, volume = {21}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ゲンエイ, ヒデアキ} }