@article{oai:saigaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001564, author = {安崎, 文子 and ANZAKI, Fumiko}, journal = {埼玉学園大学紀要. 人間学部篇, Bulletin of Saitama Gakuen University. Faculty of Humanities}, month = {Dec}, note = {It has been reported that adults with developmental stuttering (ADSs) exhibit impairment in the left auditory speech area of the left hemisphere, and fractional anisotropy of the arcuate fasciculus has also been found to be lower in ADSs than fluent controls (FC). For click auditory brainstem response (ABR) via the right ear, ADSs with moderate and severe impairment exhibited significantly longer interpeak latencies (IPLs) than ADSs with mild impairment, and FC. For click ABR via the left ear, ADSs with mild impairment exhibited significantly longer IPLs than ADSs with moderate and severe impairment, and FC. There were differences in IPLs between the left and right ears in both stuttering severities. We consider that a slight delay in auditory information causes speech confusion, which is a monitoring disorder. This intensive intervention involved ADSs listening to and shadowing audio topics via their right ear for one or two years. As a result, a severe case of ADSs with longer IPL via the right ear significantly improved the level of stuttering severity and maintained it. A mild case of ADSs with longer IPL via the left ear changed slightly in reading-aloud task only. We consider that one of the foundations of the mechanisms of developmental stuttering as a stuttering syndrome is monitoring disorder. Moreover, we consider that ADSs with severe dysfluencies have an insufficient fiber network from the right ear to the left hemisphere. Hence, intensive intervention via the right ear was effective. The developmental stuttering syndrome has a complex, layered disability structure.}, pages = {225--234}, title = {成人発達性吃音症例への認知神経心理学的介入の効果}, volume = {22}, year = {2022}, yomi = {アンザキ, フミコ} }